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Wednesday 17 January 2024

Ruth Norman: Betting On Little Green Men

I’m not sure whether Ladbrokes have many bets placed on the existence of alien life on Earth but back in the 1970s the bets kept pouring in with over £300,000 wagered in a decade.

This was down the Unarius Group from Califiornia.

The spiritualist group was run by Ruth Norman who contacted Ron Pollard asking if he Ladbrokes would take bets on the arrival of alien life on Earth.

He said: ‘500/1’.

This would be for aliens crashing or landing, dead or alive, within a year of the bet being placed.

At the same time each and every year a cheque for £30,000 would arrive.

The Unarius Group was set up by Ernest Norman in 1954, based in El Cajon a city in San Diego County, California. The Universal Articulate Interdimensional Understanding of Science are dedicated to helping the evolution of the human race to be free from ‘mental frustrations to enjoy a peaceful life and achieve physic liberation.’

Their membership in unknown.

Mrs Ruth Norman continued the group following the passing of her husband in 1971.

The group proclaimed they had spoken to people from 52 planets. They believed they had found a peaceful solution to world problems and the advancement of medical advancement.

Ron Pollard said: ‘Mrs Norman never struck me as being nuts. We never met but we often spoke on the telephone and had many chats via radio hook-up. I thought she was a very nice lady…’

Norman said she was the reincarnation of Mona Lisa and she was in contact with eminent people who had passed including Winston Churchill, President Kennedy & Calvin Coolidge to name a few. In fact, they recorded the conversations and transcribed them into books which were sold.

The bets continued which saw liabilities of millions of pounds that alien life would be found on Earth.

A few years went past and the bets dwindled.

However, Pollard said to Mrs Norman that if their bet won he would have an alien present the cheque to her for £15 million pounds.

She accepted his promise.

Pollard continued: ‘I asked her when she come to Britain I would meet her at Heathrow and arrange for her to stay at one of our hotels.’

She replied: ‘Don’t be silly! When I arrive I shall be coming in on one of their spacecraft.’

Considering William Hill offered 1000/1 that someone wouldn’t set foot on the moon before 1970 the Uranius still may have their day.

Ruth Norman passed away in 1993, aged 92.

The Unarius Group is still in existence to this day.


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